Bill Safran launches new business

Bill Safran

A new business called Vizolution has been launched for a former CEO of Trigold, Bill Safran.

Aimed at banks and insurance companies, Vizolution’s first product, vScreen, uses patented screen sharing technology.

vScreen enables call centre staff and advisers to demonstrate their products on the client’s computer while working from their own office, providing a visual element to what otherwise would be a verbal call.

Vizolution has been three years in development and its vScreen solution has been piloted with five of the largest UK banks and insurance providers in the UK.

During the pilot vScreen was proven to improve sales by over 20%, this was achieved through greater engagement of the customer by using visuals, including slides, calculators and illustrations.

Added sales improvement resulted from the elimination of breaks in the sales process through the use of vScreen’s electronic signature functionality and the secure delivery of documents.

vScreen also improved customer satisfaction: surveys carried out with customers after their vScreen session received on average 94% positive feedback.

vScreen also has compliance benefits as it improves customer understanding so minimises the risk of them going to the financial ombudsman at some point later, Vizolution claims. All documents are recorded and time stamped and it enables documents to be shared with both the client and the adviser at the discretion of the lender or insurer.

Safran (pictured) said: “vScreen will revolutionise the financial services market. It enables businesses to better engage their customers remotely through instant and easy screen sharing. It enables substantial improvements in sales productivity and customer satisfaction, whilst reducing compliance risk. It also increases the level of trust and understanding from the customer.

“We have trialled vScreen extensively and it is a mark of its effectiveness that two such large providers have committed to working with us straight from launch.”

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