Bridging firm donates meals to the NHS

Alternative Bridging has committed to donate one meal to Compassion London for each loan enquiry it receives during the coronavirus crisis.

Compassion London was founded by Leon Aarts in response to the Covid-19 lockdown. The charity provides meals to NHS staff and other key workers, individuals and families in need, and the most vulnerable in our society.

Compassion London is run by a team of volunteer chefs, delivery drivers and support staff working seven days a week. It relies on donations of food and funding from a wide range of partners. Alternative Bridging is pleased to be able to support this effort.

James Bloom (pictured), divisional director of Alternative Bridging, said: “In the past 30 years, we have experienced many crises and our primary focus has been to ensure our business continues to support our partners during such times. However, we must also have at the forefront of our minds those who are risking their lives to help those who are vulnerable and in need in our community.

“We are pleased to be able to provide practical support and, given the high level of enquiries we are receiving, we look forward to providing many meals for front line workers and those who need help. Compassion London is doing excellent work and we are very pleased to be able to assist them in this way.”

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