Clydesdale Bank improves 85% & 90% LTV criteria

Clydesdale Bank has made changes to its 85% and 90% LTV lending criteria, in a move designed to help more customers.

At 90% LTV, the bank has increased its maximum term from 30 to 35 years and will accept flats and maisonettes.

In addition, larger loan sizes of £540k–£750k are now available for properties in London and South East England across a range of Professional and non-Professional products.

Flats and maisonettes must be in buildings with four storeys or fewer and must not be ex-local authority or ex-MoD.

At 85% LTV, the maximum loan size has increased from £750k to £1m.

Meanwhile, the bank has launched new 90% LTV rates available in London and South East for loans between £540,000 and £750,000:

It has also made the following reductions:


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