FIBA reports lockdown membership rise

The Financial Intermediary & Broker Association (FIBA) has reported a 50% increase in membership numbers since the beginning of the lockdown earlier this year.

FIBA launched in January 2018 and has grown membership numbers every month since opening.

The trade association did not disclose actual membership numbers.

Adam Tyler (pictured), FIBA’s executive chairman, said: “FIBA is an inclusive organisation that welcomes every adviser with an interest in specialist property finance. We cater to the experienced practitioner of course, but FIBA is also there for those who are coming new to the commercial finance sector and need guidance and support.

“Our fully representative partner panel has long experience of commercial property and provides a structure that brings together some of the best in the industry for our members to work with and consult.”

“Naturally, we are an association which champions our sector and the aspirations and concerns of our members at all levels of government and with our regulators. Everyone has been affected by this pandemic and FIBA represents a place where not only can our industry be represented but also be a haven and a place where the best facilities are available for members to maintain and grow their businesses and engage professionally with their customers.”

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