Gross lending remains consistent at the Yorkshire BS

The Yorkshire Building Society has published its interim results for the six months which ended 30 June 2019.

Overall mortgage balances totalled £37.9bn, while gross lending was £4.0bn, the same figure for the same period last year.

Net lending was up at £1.1bn, compared to £0.4bn for H1 2018.

The mutual has helped people buy their first home and move home 8,393 times so far this year.

The proportion of retail mortgages three months or more in arrears (including possessions) remains low at 0.40% (31 December 2018: 0.38%).

Statutory profit before tax was £76.5m (30 June 2018: 88.6m), with core operating profit of £97.5m (30 June 2018: £86.3m).

Mike Regnier, the Yorkshire Building Society’s chief executive, said: “Our purpose is to provide real help with real life, whilst delivering value to our members. Our aim is to help customers buy their first home, move home, and to support the financial wellbeing of our members by helping them save.

“We measure the customer experience we provide through Net Promoter Score, which is a universally recognised metric that allows us to measure customer advocacy and loyalty. Our performance for the first six months of this year is +51 which is a significant improvement on the 2018 year-end score of +41.”

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