Kensington unveils new intermediary website

Kensington has launched its new website for intermediaries, following broker feedback.

The lender says it includes a number of features to make it easier for intermediaries to place their complex cases.

It offers cleaner menus and clearer navigation and the homepage now includes up-to-date service levels and a link through to a searchable lending policy tool, detailing Kensington’s criteria and submission requirements.

Additionally, the product pages have been updated to include case studies demonstrating the real life circumstances of the people that Kensington typically lends to, and documents have been grouped more intuitively to make it easier for brokers to submit applications, the lender claimed.

Steve Griffiths, head of sales and distribution at Kensington, said: “We have launched our new intermediary website to support Kensington’s continued growth in the broker market. We all know the importance of lender service, and the feedback I have had from brokers is that service should be judged on the entire experience a broker has with their lender.

“This investment in our website demonstrates just one element of that experience and one of the ways we are committed to improving the service we provide our brokers. We also have a useful app that brokers can download for mobile access to our affordability calculator and criteria, and earlier this year we launched a Marketing Toolkit designed to help brokers discover new ways they can grow their business.

“Kensington is here to make complex cases simple to place, and these tools all help to make the process more straightforward.”

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