Legal & General partners with GrowthEnabler

Legal & General has announced a new strategic partnership with GrowthEnabler, the platform which delivers data, insights and intelligence on disruptive technologies and digital innovations.

The partnership is part of Legal & General’s strategy to drive digital innovation and transformation across the business.

Founded in 2015, GrowthEnabler identifies the most innovative and valuable startups and digital solutions for corporates to engage with – via acquisition, joint venture or other forms of commercial partnership. Opportunities are identified and managed via GrowthEnabler’s insights platform (the Personalised Intelligence Interface, Pii) and team collaboration tools.

By partnering with GrowthEnabler, Legal & General will gain access to over 500,000 start-ups and digital solutions across the world scored and validated across five categories: product innovation, business traction, financial strength, leadership and social media and branding.

Martijn Moerbeek, group digital strategy & innovation director, Legal & General, said: “Legal & General has a strong track record of supporting, investing in and accelerating the progress of fast-growth start-ups – from CareSourcer to Buddies to SalaryFinance.

“Our philosophy of patient capital and partnering for the long-term is perfectly suited to the start-up environment, where businesses need to know that their funding and commercial partners are stable and available. L&G is uniquely placed to be able to offer that commitment to the start-ups we partner with.”

GrowthEnabler’s Pii platform will use machine-learning and unique search algorithms to identify relevant digital start-ups for Legal & General to invest in, as well as making sure the start-ups’ strategies address critical business priorities and solve business challenges.

As part of the partnership, Legal & General will also be actively supporting GrowthEnabler in its mission to give global start-ups a more visible platform through greater exposure to corporate leaders.

Af Malhotra, co-founder, GrowthEnabler, added: “GrowthEnabler is delighted to be Legal & General’s intelligence partner of choice during the company’s digital transformational journey. Our Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, scoring algorithms and team collaboration tools will enable Legal & General to quickly discover new digital start-ups and solutions relevant to their business priorities and challenges.

“Legal & General will benefit from using this capability to its full advantage via our Pii platform.”

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