Look beyond second charge sourcing

Jeff Davidson, Fluent for Advisers’ head of intermediaries  is calling on brokers, especially those new to second charge loans, to use sourcing systems as a primary filter but then engage with experienced second charge practitioners to ensure the best deals are identified for customers depending on their individual circumstances.

Fluent for Advisers, part of Bolton based Fluent Money, has enjoyed growing support from the intermediary community since it launched in July, with new relationships, including network Intrinsic, to add to existing network partnerships and a growth in new enquiries from DA sources looking to expand their services to customers.

According to Davidson, sourcing systems are a “brilliant way” to explore the multitude of lending options available but for all of their growing sophistication, advisers should combine the best of technology with human experience in order to get the best results.

He said: “Here at Fluent, we have developed strong relationships with all of our lenders and their written criteria is used as a guideline rather than something set in stone. Depending on the quality of the proposal, on many occasions we can come up with a better deal for the client than an adviser relying solely on a sourcing engine.

“The value that we add is based on intimate knowledge of the market, relationships with the lenders and first class service to adviser and customer.”

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