MCI Club unveils broker payment and processing package

MCI Club has launched a payment and processing package for all existing and new members of the mortgage club.

This package, which requires a monthly fee, is designed to increase each member’s revenue potential through rebates paid at the end of each month and incorporates a choice of technology products to increase overall productivity, the club said.

Procuration fees will continue to be paid promptly but are dovetailed with rebating, where applicable.

MCI provides a free but optional CRM from eKeeper that includes integrated AML and Credit Reports from Experian along with a number of other integrations.

Users have access to discounted products including Burrow on-boarding. This is a pre-application client engagement and qualification tool where leads are posted directly into the adviser’s back-office system to process and retain.

Melanie Spencer (pictured), head of the MCI Mortgage Club, said: “The last year has been tough. Brokers have been looking for value and stability, while having to endure the ebbs and flows of various lockdowns, changes in criteria and the stamp duty holiday.

“Our innovative payment and processing package is designed to lessen at least one burden on intermediary businesses, it’s there to increase the revenue generating potential of every adviser and still continue to deliver the same value and expertise we do today.

“We encourage every DA business and AR looking to go DA to consider what a mortgage club can do for them.”

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