miLoan registers 5,000 brokers

five thousand

Y3S has reported a landmark in the history of its sourcing system following the registration of its 5,000th user last week.

The system was developed and launched by the South Wales packager in 2011 to help mortgage brokers and IFAs receive transparent access to secured and bridging loan deals for their clients.

1,000 brokers a month now log into their miLoan account to compare loan quotes with remortgages.

“Over 5000 users are voting with clicks, confirming that the miLoan sourcing system is an established part of the modern broker’s armoury,” said Y3S director Matt Cottle.

“Brokers want to compare personalised, transparent loan quotes instantly. They have long since tired of wasting hours making calls to broker’s offices to compare a deal, which often only lead to further confusion.”

Cottle added: “Together with our experienced team of 35 underwriters, processors, developers and document couriers, Y3S combines the industry’s best people, processes and technology to deliver a superior secured loan packaging service for intermediaries.”

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