MIMHC to launch wellbeing survey

The Mortgage Industry Mental Health Charter will be releasing a study on mental wellbeing, as part of its commitment to raising awareness and improving mental health and wellbeing provision within the mortgage sector.

To coincide with Mental Health Awareness Week, MIMHC’s study will be exploring factors which can impact an individual’s mental health to better understand areas where support is required.

Insight will be formed by surveying Appointed Representative advisers, Directly Authorised advisers, professional introducers and admin staff working within the Mortgage Intermediary marketplace. The questions explore work/life balance, sleep patterns and workplace mental health provision.

In a previous study conducted by Crystal Specialist Finance in August 2021, statistics revealed that 18% of respondents rated their overall level of mental wellbeing ‘of concern’ and the number of individuals working over 45 hours per week had increased to 66%.

This new survey will look to establish how mental health and wellbeing provision has changed during the final pandemic stages and how the current cost of living crisis is affecting stress levels.

The results will be published on Monday 9 May and available via a free downloadable resource which can be accessed from the MIMHC website.

The MIMHC team are therefore encouraging all mortgage intermediaries and support staff operating within the mortgage sector to take a moment and complete the survey to be part of this important study.

The survey can be completed here: https://mimhc.co.uk/2022/04/12/the-mortgage-industry-mental-health-and-wellbeing-survey-2022/

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