New look for Enterprise Finance

Enterprise Finance has revamped its website and logo.

It said the move represented part of its preparations for the implementation of the Mortgage Credit Directive in March 2016.

The rebranding exercise has also seen the West One Loans website and marketing materials receive a similar facelift and parent group Enra now has a dedicated logo and website for the first time.  

Danny Waters, CEO at Enterprise Finance, said: “With the specialist finance sector – and the second charge mortgage sector in particular – about to enter a brave new world, it seemed like an opportune time to ensure everything is shipshape for the new regime. At Enterprise Finance, we’ve always had an enviable reputation for unrivalled knowledge and customer service, but this expertise wasn’t necessarily conveyed by the previous incarnation of our website.

“Now it not only has a more modern feel to it, but it’s much more user-friendly and easier for intermediaries to find the information they are looking for. West One and Enra getting the same treatment means the entire group will be primed and prepared for what is an exciting time for the industry and will further stand out from the competition.”

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