Packager streamlines commercial completion times

Crystal Specialist Finance (CSF) has unveiled its Packaging Portal, which allows direct access to a select panel of lenders’ documentation to streamline completion times.

The packager says the move gives brokers more control of commercial applications. Brokers can select the product type, view the selected lender’s product guide and complete the application forms for submission to CSF’s dedicated applications team.

This means brokers still have direct access to semi-exclusive products while removing the need to complete extra documents.

Jo Breeden (pictured), managing director of CSF, said: “At the launch of our eSource platform we stated that technology would become more accessible to brokers and give greater access to the mortgage, secured loan and bridging markets.

“Packaging Portal is an extension of that philosophy, utilising online forms to remove repetition and streamline the process while still benefitting from our market expertise and unimpeachable service levels to bring more applications to completion, quicker.”

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