Pepper Money retires Optimum Credit brand

Pepper Money has unveiled its second charge mortgage proposition following the completion of its integration with Optimum Credit.

The Optimum Credit brand has now been retired and its operations will continue under the Pepper Money brand.

Laurence Morey, CEO at Pepper Money, said: “I am thrilled to announce that today, Pepper Money will be providing second charge mortgages following the successful merger of Pepper Money and Optimum Credit. It’s taken over 18 months to plan and execute but we’re now primed and ready to help even more customers.

“The combined expertise of our Pepper and Optimum colleagues is a big step forward in delivering a more comprehensive offering and it will open up new opportunities for our business, our intermediary partners and our customers.”

Caroline Mirakian (pictured), sales director, second charge mortgages at Pepper Money, added: “Today is an exciting day for Pepper Money and all of the team who previously worked for Optimum Credit. We believe there’s an opportunity to raise the profile of second-charge mortgages to expand the market and to reach a wider group of customers.”

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