Personal Touch offers estate admin service

Personal Touch has teamed up with estate administration specialists Kings Court Trust to allow its advisers to offer additional services to a client’s family upon their death.
Kings Court Trust offers a fully inclusive, fixed price service. Personal Touch advisers will be able to maintain the relationship they have built with their client through his or her family, opening up new client opportunities and allowing the adviser to fulfil their obligations to the client.
Kings Court Trust administers the estate and handles all the legal work while keeping the adviser and their clients informed of progress.
Jane Cross, chief executive officer at Personal Touch, said: “As financial advisers you are responsible for protecting your clients assets and finances throughout their lifetime. We know how conscientious our advisers are and recognise that this sense of responsibility does not disappear upon a client’s death.
“Through our partnership with Kings Court Trust our brokers will be able to offer help and assistance to the client’s family by offering beneficiaries advice and playing an integral role in the redistribution of the clients’ wealth.”
Tom Curran, CEO at Kings Court Trust, added: “Kings Court Trust is delighted to be working with Personal Touch and its adviser network to support clients and their families at one of the most challenging times; when someone passes away. Kings Court Trust only does one thing, estate administration.
“By taking what has previously just been known as ‘probate’ and creating a highly personal service designed around family needs, the Personal Touch adviser and broker community can be assured that they are offering families affordable, fast, friendly and professional help when it is needed most. Kings Court Trust is looking forward to building a long term partnership over many years to come.”
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