PPI calls are top money nuisance for Brits

Nuisance mis-sold PPI calls top the list of the country’s biggest money-related gripes, according to a new survey from Gocompare.

Expensive premium-rate phone numbers and being stung by the extra cost of booking fees when buying concert or theatre tickets complete the top three things that most annoy people about spending and saving their money.

The survey of 2,000 UK adults, commissioned by Gocompare.com Money, also looked at why people felt annoyed by these money matters. 58% of those surveyed said they hate to think that they’ve been conned into paying more than they should, while 56% said ‘It’s not about the amount of money, it’s about the principle’. 52% said that they hate feeling misled over money.

Ella Hastings (pictured), market research manager for Gocompare.com, said: “In recent years, most of us have suffered nuisance, unsolicited calls and texts from PPI claims companies – which can be both inconvenient and irritating.

“Nobody likes to feel that they’ve been ripped-off or misled, so it’s no surprise to see that pricey premium rate phone numbers, booking fees, misleading charges and promotions, and school holiday price hikes have also made it into the nation’s top 10 money gripes.”

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