Retirement leads to single Propertymark structure

Mark Hayward, chief executive of NAEA Propertymark, has announced that he intends to retire from the organisation at the end of the year.

Hayward has been chief executive of the estate agent’s division of Propertymark for seven years, having previously been a board member and chair of the board for four years.

During his tenure Hayward has been instrumental in the creation and establishment of the Propertymark brand, with its emphasis on consumer protection and the need for a single voice to represent the interests of the property industry. Hayward has represented members across a huge range of issues to both government and the media, most recently advocating for business rate relief for estate agents and the inclusion of commission within furlough calculations to support members impacted by Covid-19.

He has long called for sector regulation and was an integral part of the Regulation of Property Agents Working Group, which was formed by MHCLG and chaired by Lord Best, to advise government on how to make regulation of property agents a reality.

Following the rebranding exercise in 2017 and the adoption of both NAEA Propertymark and ARLA Propertymark, the board has decided to take the opportunity to move towards a single Propertymark structure. As such the board has decided to commence a process to identify and appoint a chief executive officer for Propertymark Ltd, with the successful candidate to commence in post in 2021.

Christopher Hamer, executive chair of Propertymark said: “The Propertymark Board would like to thank Mark for his significant contribution over many years to NAEA and the development of Propertymark as a brand. He has been the first port of call for both media and Government departments seeking to understand how the property sector works and the implications of emerging legislation for the sector. He has also, importantly, engaged fully with members, advising them about new laws and supporting them through the many changes and difficult times, not the least during the Covid-19 lockdown, that the sector has experienced. And as chairman, I offer my personal best wishes.”

Hayward added said: “I’ve loved leading an organisation that spans so many important issues; housing really is at the heart of everything and it’s been a real pleasure to represent the industry. I am ready for new challenges. I want to thank colleagues and members for all their support over the years and look forward to seeing Propertymark as it evolves in a new era of regulation.”

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