SortRefer extends roundtable event programme

SortRefer is holding a series of exclusive roundtable events around the country for mortgage intermediaries.

The company says it is committed to continuing professional development for its introducers and has now extended its programme with a series of breakfast events designed to enhance the professional growth and networking opportunities for mortgage intermediaries across the industry.

The first pilot event was held at Cardiff Golf Club in 2022. Since then, the SortRefer sales team has been working with industry lenders and other suppliers to put together a calendar of sessions which will provide mortgage intermediaries with opportunities to further their continuous professional development (CPD) and access to industry suppliers.

The first event of 2023 took place at Reading Football Club on 25 May, hosted by Wesley Davies, BDM for the South-East, in partnership with Buckinghamshire Building Society, Hodge, Kensington, Vida Home Loans, Tipton, Cooperative, ESBS, Mpowered Mortgages and Stamp Duty Check.

This was followed by an event at Heron Country Club, Brentwood, Essex on 7 September, hosted by Roy Mansell, BDM for North London, in association with Fairbridge Capital, Buckinghamshire Building Society, Tandem and Kinherit.

Paul Gregory, BDM for the West, joined forces with specilaists from Principality Building Society, Chorley Building Society, Coventry for Intermediaries and Saffron Building Society and Hodge at an event at Shaw Hill Spa & Golf Hotel in Chorley on 13 September.

Tom Hale, BDM for the South-West, hosted the most recent event at Cardiff Golf Club on 27 October in association with Tandem, Apex Bridging, The Nottingham Building Society, The Coventry, Hodge, and Skipton for Intermediaries.

Following this first programme of events, there are plans for more regional events to be added to the 2024 calendar to enable SortRefer to reach a broader spectrum of professionals across more regional areas.

Kevin Tunnicliffe, CEO of SortRefer, said: “Our aim with these roundtable breakfast meetings is to empower mortgage intermediaries with the knowledge and connections they need to excel in their careers.

“The events provide a unique opportunity for industry professionals to gain valuable insight and expertise, whilst providing fantastic networking opportunities.

“We’re thrilled to have expanded this initiative and bring these valuable sessions to mortgage intermediaries nationwide and look forward to hosting more events in 2024.”

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