SortRefer offers new revenue stream for brokers

last will and testament

Intermediary online portal SortRefer has launched a new will referral service.

Advisers now have access to a will drafting service for clients run by dedicated solicitors, once they register. Existing users of the SortRefer conveyancing service will already have access to the new facility.

The service offers both a singular will and a mirror will. The mirror will, effectively two identical wills, is the most beneficial way of ensuring that husband and wife or civil partners leave everything to the other party, or in the event of joint death, to their children if they have any.

Kevin Tunnicliffe, SortRefer’s managing director, believes will writing services are needed more than ever and all financial advisers can, by offering a solicitor written will writing service, make this a cornerstone of their client relationship and subsequent financial planning.

“In setting up our service, we have researched the market extensively,” he explained. “Frankly, some of the will writing ‘kits’ offered to brokers in the past have not been fit for purpose either because of poor drafting or because not enough time was spent understanding the client’s particular requirements. Our service offers an extensive factfind, which means that every nuance of a client’s needs can be catered for in the wording drafted by solicitors, who are highly experienced in creating wills.

“We believe we have a will referral proposition that meets the needs of every client, no matter how complex their circumstances. As an ex broker myself, I wanted to make sure that our will referral proposition would really enhance the reputation of intermediaries who recommend it to clients and be a strong addition to their armoury of services.”

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