SortRefer offers POS posters to intermediaries

SortRefer has added a new set of specific point of sale (POS) posters to its marketing toolkit for intermediaries.

The posters can be arranged directly at the intermediaries’ offices at the start of the mortgage process.

SortRefer already offers conveyancing support for advisers through its platform and mobile app which provides users with  accurate quotes, 24/7 case updates and access to active and past cases.

The posters, which are not SortRefer branded, come in different background colours to match the broker’s brand and are specifically designed to raise awareness of how much more an adviser can provide his or her clients complementary to the primary role of providing mortgage advice.

Kevin Tunnicliffe, managing director of SortRefer, said: “The business of arranging a mortgage is an increasingly sophisticated undertaking and being able to control the vital peripheral functions such as conveyancing and property inspection from a proven source like SortRefer, gives the adviser and his client a real edge in ensuring that the whole process runs smoothly.

“Our introducers are reporting increased interest from prospective customers in these services because of the point of sale posters and literature. Employees are also finding it easier to introduce the arrangement of conveyancing or suitable surveys to the conversation, because of the increased visibility of the services the brokerages can offer.”

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